Tūī Early Learners Fees

At Tūī, we understand that life isn't always predictable. As well as 20 hours free ECE for 3-5 year olds, we offer flexibility with the hours and days you wish your child to attend. Please reach out to us directly for a clear indication of your costs.

WINZ Childcare Subsidy

You may be eligible for a Work and Income NZ (WINZ) subsidy to pay for some or most of your fees, if you are a NZ Citizen or Permanent Resident. 

Inland Revenue: FamilyBoost

FamilyBoost is a new childcare payment to help eligible households pay for the cost of early childhood education (ECE). From 1 July 2024, if you’re eligible, you will be able to claim up to 25% of your weekly childcare fees, or a maximum of $975 every 3-months. Childcare fees can include optional charges and services, they do not include donations that you make.


  • Caregivers will need a myIR account to register for and claim FamilyBoost. They’ll also need IRD numbers for their children. We suggest they apply for these before registrations open on 17 September.

  • Most FamilyBoost registrations will be processed instantly. In some more complex circumstances these may take up to 5 days.


  • Caregivers should submit their invoices or quarterly statements as PDFs. If this is not possible, they can upload images. When taking photos, they need to ensure: 

    • all the required details are showing.  

    • they are clear and can be read. 

    • their ‘live’ photo function is turned off (if they’re using an iPhone).

  • We’ll aim to make FamilyBoost payments within 15 business days. In some circumstances, this may take longer. For example, when we're waiting on information from their employer to confirm their income.  

  • Caregivers cannot save/submit invoices ‘as they go’. For example, for the July to September quarter, they’ll need to wait until 1 October.

  • If caregivers forget some invoices when submitting their claim in myIR, they can go back and add these, providing they haven’t already received their maximum quarterly amount.

  • Caregivers should check the child’s name on the invoice or quarterly statement matches what they have provided on their registration and claim in myIR.